«The patient is more alive than dead.» Guberniev – about the draw between Spartak and Leicester

Sports TV commentator Dmitry Guberniev, https://sport-news.tornadosport.com.ua/ after a draw between Spartak and Leicester (1: webpage 1) in the Europa League, noted the game of goalkeeper Alexander Selikhov. He also made fun of the translator of Spartak head coach Rui Vitoria.

«According to Spartak! Important! Rui Vitoria found out that he has a goalkeeper. And this is not Maksimenko. Even at Leicester’s level, we can barely crawl, and physically enough minutes for 70 … Kutepov, it turns out, exists and may even appear on the field. There are moral and volitional qualities, and you don’t even need to dig far … The patient is more likely alive than dead … Go ahead, Spartak!

One more thing. If Rui’s translator conveys the coach’s thoughts to the players in this way, then it’s amazing how they still find their way on the field, «Guberniev wrote on the Telegram channel.

Updated: 11. desember 2021 — 16:34

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