Khimki informed when the name of the new head coach of the team will be announced

Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, member of the supervisory board of Khimki Roman Teryushkov announced when the team will announce the name of the new head coach of the team.

«The list has not yet been formed – we will play with Wings of the Soviets and will devote the whole next week to this, as we said. On Monday-Tuesday, plus-minus the list will be defined. It will be shortened, it will contain the coaches with whom we will talk. I think we will announce the name of the new head coach by November 20, before the end of the pause for the national teams’ games, «TASS quoted Teryushkov as saying.

On October 25, Khimki announced the dismissal of Igor Cherevchenko from the post of head coach. After 13 rounds of Tinkoff RPL-2021/22, the Moscow Region team takes the penultimate, 15th place in the standings with 12 points.

Updated: 4. desember 2021 — 23:11

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