Kamensky: «Zhamnov perfectly understands the specifics of working with stars from the NHL»

Valery Kamensky, novyny.all4sport.com.ua a member of the expert council at the FHR, commented on the appointment of Alexei Zhamnov as the head coach of the Russian national team.

«The council had several candidates, including Aleksey Zhamnov and Oleg Znarok. After a long debate, the majority of the council members supported Zhamnov’s candidacy. Alexey Yuryevich has many years of experience in the headquarters of the national team, has a victorious experience in the Olympics in Korea, perfectly understands the specifics of working with stars from the NHL, «the official website of the FHR quotes Kamensky.

The ice hockey tournament at the 2022 Olympics will be held from 9 to 20 February in Beijing. The national team will start the tournament in group B. The rivals are the Czech Republic, web site Switzerland, Denmark.

Updated: 7. desember 2021 — 03:16

The Author


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