Fetisov – on the appointment of Zhamnov to the national team: «I don’t know what kind of troubles are happening»

Two-time Olympic ice hockey champion, sportcs.online State Duma deputy Vyacheslav Fetisov commented on the appointment of Alexei Zhamnov as the head coach of the Russian national team.

«I don’t know what kind of troubles are taking place … The choice has already been made. I know Zhamnov very well, we talk on the phone. Alexey is a good specialist, no doubt about it. He has connections in America, which means that good specialists will be invited, «Fetisov told SE.

Oleg Znarok and Valery Bragin will join the team’s headquarters as consultants.

The ice hockey tournament at the 2022 Olympics will be held from 9 to 20 February in Beijing. The Russian national team will start the tournament in group B. The rivals are the Czech Republic, novyny.lada-sport.com.ua Switzerland, sportsnews.bcsport.com.ua Denmark.

Updated: 10. desember 2021 — 18:58

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