Ferguson: «Ronaldo was born to be the best, he sacrificed himself for this»

Former Manchester United head coach Alex Ferguson spoke about working with forward Cristiano Ronaldo.

«Many people said that Ronaldo likes to dive in the box. This actually happened, but then he began to play better against defenders. Ronaldo could waltz around them. He was born to be the best, he sacrificed himself for this.

Once we had to play with Arsenal. In the afternoon it rained heavily, I said to Ronaldo: «I know that you always continue to work after training, https://novyny.tornadosport.online but now you have to leave here. It’s a game tomorrow, but it’s very wet here. The lawn has become soft. » I went to the office, looked out the window. What was Ronaldo doing? He moved to a field with artificial turf. I have no arguments left, «- the official site of» Manchester United «quotes Ferguson.

This season, breaking.lada-sport.com.ua the 36-year-old Portuguese has played 3 games in the Premier League, scoring 3 goals.

Updated: 11. desember 2021 — 06:03

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