Comme cela une fois mis en place, les diamants ne bougent plus et votre œuvre reste immortelle. La broderie diamant est une activité créative, Diamond Painting France aussi appelée diamond painting, peinture diamant ou canevas diamant, qui accorde de réaliser des œuvres d’art en collant des strass en forme de petits diamants carrés ou ronds sur une toile adhésive. That might sound banal, but he says that that’s what human beings have been fighting for and struggling for-sculpting and diamond painting, composing music and broderie diamant writing books for, over thousands of years-in order to discover that we’re all free and equal.
Because we’re not going to all be equal in that respect. According to Kojève, the truth about man is that we’re all free and equal. We’re rapidly seeing this all around us. They graze at the buffets and crowd around the open bars. Nietzsche, by contrast, has a cyclical view of history, and he believes that there are two fundamental principles that make the historical world go around. He knows the truth about man, and therefore the philosophical quest and the historical quest both came to an end in 1806, when Hegel wrote his book The Phenomenology of Spirit.
I want to argue that Kojève’s ambivalence about the end of history really arises out of the fact that he simultaneously affirms two completely contradictory theories of history. Once this discovery has been announced, and once the world has been remade in the image of freedom and equality, history has come to an end. Once we achieve that goal, history ends, and that’s it. We don’t need buildings and technologies and civilizations that extend thousands of miles.
We don’t need cathedrals and skyscrapers or any of that just to have interpersonal relationships. Only philosophy can show that to you, and so Hegel believes that we have to understand history as arising out of the need for Diamond Painting universal self-knowledge. What’s left out are just men, broderie diamant and by «man» Kojève means people who have what Plato called spiritedness. This is what he means by the end of man. His second thoughts about the end of history were expressed in his later writings as a thesis that man is coming to an end.
Kojève adds a note to the second edition and then adds a note to that note in the third edition.