Malafeev spoke about the problems in his marriage

Former goalkeeper of the Russian national team Vyacheslav Malafeev in his Instagram talked about family problems with his wife Ekaterina.

«Trust in marriage is a very delicate matter. He gave a reason to doubt his loyalty, was caught in a lie, and jealousy and attempts to control a partner appear. Especially when someone is absent from home due to frequent business trips or «well, let’s rest separately.» By the way, I don’t see anything wrong with that.

When doubts arise, it is harder and harder to trust. Frequent late visits home by one of the spouses may be the first signals. Then the second one answers: since one can do it, why shouldn’t I do that too. A wave of mutual claims and nagging is growing, which escalate into scandals. Then it gets worse and worse, and the relationship can fall apart from scratch, «wrote Malafeev.

The ex-footballer also said that there were many problems in their relationship with his wife in 2021. Malafeev stressed that at the moment he and his wife do not wear wedding rings.

Vyacheslav and Ekaterina Malafeevs have been married since 2012. The couple are raising three children.

Updated: 10. november 2021 — 03:50

The Author


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